Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac augue et leo sollicitudin malesuada sit amet id mauris. Nullam id ante ipsum. Curabitur eleifend, arcu pulvinar sollicitudin laoreet, urna risus bibendum erat, accumsan sagittis tortor sapien vel est.

Vivamus vestibulum, ante quis molestie faucibus, ante dui bibendum nibh, scelerisque efficitur orci purus nec sapien. Sed egestas vehicula dolor, in malesuada nulla dapibus id.

Erato Collection

Muse of Hymenaeus and erotic poetry.
Her symbol was lyra.
The name would mean “desired” or “lovely”, like these desirable multicolor designs.

Calliope Collection

She was the first of all and most respected, protector of epic poetry, a muse of eagle.
She is usually depicted with a gold wreath on her head, holding a board and a pen and often with the Homeric epic on her knees.